The all-access membership for coaches who are overwhelmed with tech and want it to be easy

Does This Sound Familiar?

Do you get paralyzed when it’s time to use digital tools?
Are potential clients slipping through the cracks due to gaps in your digital setup?
Do you waste hours searching Google to figure out how to use a new piece of tech & still need help when you’re done?
Are you overwhelmed by all the available options and don’t know which is best for your business?
Have you ever wished you had a place to get all your tech questions answered by someone who understands your business?

If that’s you, I have exactly what you need…

The TechDesk has been such an amazing investment for my coaching biz! Not only has it saved me from searching the internet and watching endless how-to videos to figure out my website, CRM, coaching platforms and so many more tech issues, LaRosa has also eased so much mental load and frustration. As a business owner, coach, marketer & mom of 5, I don’t have time to waste trying to figure it all out but with this support community and tech pro, I don’t have to!

Stefani S.

3 weeks of struggles, 1 hour tonight alone. LaRosa provided the solution in less than 10 minutes!!! Technology can be a beast and a total time zapper, or it can be an amazing thing that connects people!! The TechDesk totally took the frustration out of the way!

Judy L.

LaRosa supported and guided me through a transition to a new email marketing provider. This was a big stressor for me and LaRosa made it smooth and stress-free. He has supported me with many tech issues in my business which are outside of my comfort zone. He has saved me many hours of tearing out my hair, procrastinating and going round in circles!
Investing in his support is one of the best things you can do to move your business forward.

Leanne D.

Working with LaRosa has totally changed how easeful I feel in my business when it comes to tech. You’re brilliant and make it so manageable and understandable. Grateful for you LaRosa Johnson!!

Emily B.

LaRosa! Can’t tell you how much easier you’ve made the tech side of my business for me! It’s brought me so much more levity, and confidence.

Isabelle L.

I just had a new client join and it was soooooo nice to have all the links work properly! Thanks so much for that seemingly simple adjustment that changed my world! You’re the 💣!!

Kelly B.

Introducing the TechDesk

We focus on providing:

Expert Support

Exclusive Community

The TechDesk is where you can get the cure for your tech overwhelm and frustration. We help you make your tech easy so you can have more of what your business was designed to give you: time & freedom!

Leverage my technical expertise to make your tech effortless and propel your business to greater heights. I have the skills to help you solve your business’s biggest (and smallest) tech problems.

Why You Need the TechDesk

You didn’t become a coach or business owner to spend all your time frustrated and overwhelmed by the digital tools meant to help your business grow. You’re in business because you love coaching and transforming lives.

The TechDesk allows you to focus on what you do best. We help coaches be coaches.

For a fraction of what it costs to hire an IT professional, you’ll get a tech pro who understands the ins & outs of the coaching industry, online business, and what you need to succeed.

The TechDesk is an investment that relieves hundreds of hours a year in frustration and anxiety. This membership not only pays for itself but also makes you money!

What You Get with the TechDesk

Expert Technical Support

Get all your tech questions answered with our timely and structured support.

Exclusive Community

Avoid overwhelm by learning in an exclusive community of other like-minded coaches & business owners.


Don’t have the time or know-how to do a project yourself? Let us do it for you at a discount.

About LaRosa

20+ years of tech industry experience
Online health & fitness coach
Managed the support team for a top-rated personal training software platform
Worked with some of the top business coaches in the fitness & coaching industries

Join Today for Only $150 a Quarter

(or $55 per month)

The TechDesk gives you the security blanket you need to alleviate your anxiety when tech troubles arise in your business. Instead of searching Google and hoping you find the correct answer, you get the right solution the first time.

Our structured support gives you everything you need to manage your tech easily. We get to the root of what’s hindering you with your digital tools so we can make it effortless for you.

And you’ll never have to worry about keeping up with the latest digital tools & how they can help your business. We’ll do the research & tell you which tools will help you grow your business so you don’t waste time or stress yourself out doing it yourself.

The TechDesk is here to make running your business stress-free and easy.

Sign up today and invest in support and easy tech living.

See How Easily You Can Relieve Your Frustration with Tech

The TechDesk will save you time, money, and countless headaches. Experience more ease and flow with your tech so you can focus on being a coach.

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